Life is too short to do something that doesn't bring you joy.


We are all perfectly imperfect beings and shouldn't be afraid to show our flaws.


You are in control of your thoughts, actions, and destiny.

I’m Beth


Most people would describe me as a motivator, a mom, a friend and someone who has all the answers. In reality, I am so much more and sometimes what people see is a bit different from the person we see ourselves to be.

Society has a way of pushing us in directions that we think we should take based on what society wants to see. Taking the time to take a look at ourselves, our dreams and desires sometimes gets lost along the way. That is where I come in.

Let me help you break free from who you think you should be and truly discover who you are meant to be and start living the fulfilling life you deserve.

Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery and unapologetic confidence.



I was born and raised in Bergen County New Jersey. My family owned (and still does) a nursery and garden center where I spent many years as a kid working. I went on to college to become a lawyer but realized that law was more about politics and less about fighting injustices. Soon after that, I found myself in the fitness world and that is where I believe my true journey started.

I started teaching aerobics because I absolutely hated doing cardio exercise. At that time, high impact aerobics had just started it’s craze and I jumped on board. I got myself certified and started teaching classes.  What I didn’t realize at the time was that teaching and exercising would also change me. It would come to help me grow, heal and truly find myself again.


During this time, I was in a dark place.  Things were not good in my marriage and my mom was dying of lung cancer. The gym soon became my haven and my first lesson about the power of exercise. Not just the physical aspect, but the healing aspect of it.

My mom died and I felt lost. The gym/exercise was my solace. Aside from the teaching part of my job, I also did group exercise programming for multiple clubs and private training. Once I understood how much exercise had helped me, I knew that every single person coming to the gym had a story and maybe the gym was their safe haven too. 

I would love to say that from that moment on I was a changed woman; that I got out of the bad marriage and lived happily ever after; but that was not the case. I was still learning about my own strengths and breaking points.  I was raising 2 beautiful children and filled my time with my kids and work for several more years before I had the strength to end the marriage. I was damaged, I won’t lie. I then moved us out to California and continued with my work in the fitness industry. It wasn’t until I looked back on my life when I realized what exercise was and is still doing for me.  It didn’t change my situation; It changed me. It wasn’t about my appearance; it was about my attitude. I was looking at it as my job and my escape but ultimately, it was healing me. It built my confidence and empowered me. It made me stronger even when I felt weak. It made me believe in myself more than I ever had.

I have since been working with women to help them take back their power. No matter what your situation, you are never too old and it is never too late. Recover your body and you WILL find yourself. 

"I had the pleasure of working with Beth over 15 years ago when she was on the east coast. She truly saved my life. I was not in a good place and HATED exercise. When she was trying to explain the connection between exercise and the mind I didn’t really want to hear it but through her coaching both physical and mental (and a lot of patience on her part) it did change me COMPLETELY. When she reached out recently to ask me if I would write a testimonial she said “I know it was a long time ago…” I couldn’t say yes fast enough. When someone changes your life, you never forget!"
- Julia M.

"There are few people in this lifetime you will meet that genuinely care. Beth is one of them. She asks the tough questions and doesn’t give you all the answers. I kinda hated her for that at first and then I saw myself changing in ways I didn’t know were possible or that I even wanted to. She is sneaky in the best way possible. Do yourself a favor, work with her. You will NOT regret it!"
-Ariel G.