fitness podcast series: Heads, Hearts and Body Parts

fitness podcast series: Heads, Hearts and Body Parts

Hosted by: BETH A EISELE

This podcast series is geared toward women, their bodies, and the impact exercise can have on them mentally as well as physically. Life changing!

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Introduction to a fitness journey

Episode #1

This brief podcast is my introduction to a series of podcast geared toward women, fitness, body image and reflection
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Change Your Story

Episode #2

Changing your perspective on your story can change your life!
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Exercise & Time

Episode #3

You don't need hours in the gym to get results. I will be talking about the most efficient workout in a short amount of time.
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Q & A

Episode #4

I answer 3 fitness questions that were submitted
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Intermittent Fasting

Episode #5

What is intermittent fasting?
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Boosting Confidence

Episode #6

Little steps through exercise, music and body language that can boost confidence under any situation
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Episode #7

It's easy to lose our identity in different aspects of our life. In this podcast, I will discuss what you can do to not allow that to happen and to become that self assured confident woman you know you can be
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Cardio, Strength, Flexibility

Episode #8

Simple facts about 3 elements of fitness and how to wok them all in to your lifestyle
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The Sex Talk

Episode #9

Women, body image and sex. How to feel confident being naked and intimate
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Recap: Until Next Time

Episode #10

Recap of our previous episodes
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